Monday, January 29, 2018 / by Sean Zanganeh
Big NEWS!!!
I Have MOVED!!

I’m taking a moment this sunny Tuesday afternoon and putting aside those negative numbers on Wall Street and that Swine Flu pandemic to tell you all some pretty exciting news!
Here’s some background. I started this business to provide an outstanding quality, educated service to my friends, my family, the wonderful people I have met insofar, and the wonderful people I will meet in the near future. To fulfill the obligation I made to myself to serve my clients with such professional a service, I must make sure that I am surrounded by the highest quality individuals in my field. “You are who you surround yourself with” rings true in my mind. The more dynamic, educated, and experienced a teacher is, the more success the apprentice will have later on.
With that being said, I would like you all to know that I have officially moved my Real Estate business to Windermere Exclusive Properties. I am very excited about the motivating environment and all the great services I am able to provide you with.
Windermere Exclusive Properties has taken the San Diego Real Estate Industry by storm and is ahead of most other firms with its innovative approaches in the areas of technology, motivating energy, and its ability to harvest and maintain top quality people who create a fabulous experience for you when buying or selling a home. I wish for you to tell your friends and family of this change and feel free to give me a call or text with any questions. When the time comes for you to think about moving or purchasing a home, please keep me in mind.